Depression Counseling
That Works

No band-aids. Just healing.


Everyone wants to fix you. What if you're not broken?

“Why are you so unhappy all the time?” “I just don’t want you to waste your life.” “There’s no reason to be this upset.” “You’re going to have to change if you want to get better.”

You’ve heard it from doctors, friends, family, employers—maybe even other therapists: the wounded parts of you are getting in the way of your life.

But if that’s true, why does pushing them away only make things worse?

At Empathi, every breath your therapist takes is accepting, loving, and surrendering to the parts of you that have been abandoned.

Depression lies to you. It tells you that you’re unlovable, alone, that there is no point in trying.

But there is an intelligence and a function to those feelings: To call for the hidden and hurt parts of you to be loved. To signal a longing for connection. To ask for new direction, meaning, and passion in your life.

The fastest way out is through. Our counselors are trained to find the center of your suffering, care for those parts, and teach you to befriend, care for, and value them yourself.

*After a brief period of EFT guidance, clinical research has shown that 86% of those treated improve and 73% sustain those improvements after two years. Though this research was performed on couples, EFT is not limited to partners.

Empathi's Methods
are proven to help

Our talented counselors are each trained in the use of the Empathi Method, a proprietary blend of counseling techniques and practices—in particular, Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) for individuals and couples.

Using the Empathi Method, we'll train you to recognize the emotional significance of the cycles you are experiencing and how to break out of them so you can reliably return to a feeling of security and peace for years to come.

*After a brief period of EFT guidance, clinical research has shown that 86% of those treated improve and 73% sustain those improvements after two years. Though this research was performed on couples, EFT is not limited to partners.

Best Counseling Solutions for Depression |

Do I need Empathi's Depression Therapy?

If every day it’s a struggle just to get out of bed, you’re feeling adrift in life, and have lost interest in all the things that used to bring you joy, you may be grappling with depression. Depression and conditions related to depression sap a person’s passion and leave them feeling hopeless and helpless to overcome even the smallest of obstacles. Depression impacts the way you feel and the way you act to the point that even normal, every-day activities can feel like insurmountable obstacles.

You’re not alone. Many people experience depression nationwide, and since the pandemic began in 2020, the number of people suffering depression has continued to grow. 

The good news is that depression is treatable. Help is here. We have the tools and know-how to guide you through your difficult time. Contact Empathi and let us help you return peace and joy to your life.

A black man leans against an orange-lit store window with a contemplative face, as if he's wondering if he needs depression counseling.

Do I need Empathi's Depression Therapy?

If every day it’s a struggle just to get out of bed, you’re feeling adrift in life, and have lost interest in all the things that used to bring you joy, you may be grappling with depression. Depression and conditions related to depression sap a person’s passion and leave them feeling hopeless and helpless to overcome even the smallest of obstacles. Depression impacts the way you feel and the way you act to the point that even normal, every-day activities can feel like insurmountable obstacles.

A black man leans against an orange-lit store window with a contemplative face, as if he's wondering if he needs depression counseling.

You’re not alone. Many people experience depression nationwide, and since the pandemic began in 2020, the number of people suffering depression has continued to grow. 

The good news is that depression is treatable. Help is here. We have the tools and know-how to guide you through your difficult time. Contact Empathi and let us help you return peace and joy to your life.

A woman looks out a window, slightly smiling, as if she's received the best treatments for depression from Empathi.

What is the best treatment for depression?

Primary care physicians and psychiatrists most often prescribe medication as the first line of treatment against depression. This can alleviate symptoms such as perpetual sadness and hopelessness, but people benefit the most when they also receive psychotherapy to address the root issues impacting their depression.

The most commonly prescribed medications are:

Tricyclic antidepressants are sometimes used as a last resort. These drugs tend to have more severe side effects and typically aren’t prescribed unless an SSRI has been tried and it didn’t provide results. This class of medication includes Tofranil and Vivactil.

People see the best results when psychotherapy plays a major part in treatment. Therapy—especially Empathi’s therapy—helps you search out and address the root cause of your depression. We guide you in reframing your perception, realigning your life, and gaining tools that will keep you on track and prevent depression episodes in the future.

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is one of the most commonly-used approaches to treating depression disorders. CBT explores negative self-perceptions and behaviors. This therapy method works to change thought patterns and modify behavior through talk therapy. However, one size does not fit all. What works with one person might not work with another.

Empathi is the best at what we do. We use the most effective, industry-recognized methods to help you identify and work through the issues that keep you down. We’re experienced counselors who are skilled in adjusting our approach to best serve each visitor’s needs.

Here are some of Empathi's go-to methodologies:

Mental health professionals have been using attachment-theory-based therapy successfully for almost half-a-century. This therapeutic method explores the circumstances that helped build your core sense of identity and help restore trust in yourself and others.

The experiential psychotherapy technique dives deep to get at the root of negative behaviors that can reduce feelings of hope and cause you to lose interest.

While much of its research has focused on couples, Emotionally-Focused Therapy (EFT) has seen a growing usage in helping individuals work through depression. A massive part of who we are is shaped by our relationship with others. EFT explores one’s relationship with others from childhood into adulthood, deepening the understanding of our relationships and the cycles we get into. By restoring our sense of connection and safety with others, EFT helps remove some of the barriers that reinforce depression.

But can a depression counselor help me, specifically?

There are many factors that could contribute to depression, and it often looks different from person to person. Brain chemistry is a common risk factor. Natural chemical imbalances can lead to clinical depression. If someone in your family has a history of depression, it’s more statistically likely that you’ll suffer depression at some point.

A man sits at a table, looking out at greenery behind a rainy window—can he be helped by therapy for depression?

The symptoms and severity levels vary. With some, their mood change and drop in activity levels make it completely obvious that they’re suffering from depression. For others, it’s barely noticeable. They might just feel generally unhappy without knowing why—but are able to function day-to-day—accepting that it might just be a personality trait, when, in fact, they’re experiencing clinical depression.

Here are some of the most common issues people come to Empathi with:

Depression often appears differently in children and teenagers. Children with depression may become more “clingy,” tend to worry more than other children, are often irritable, or often try to avoid school. Teenagers tend to withdraw, over-sleep, over- or under-eat, perform poorly at school, or even self-harm.

These are all signs that you or someone you know could be suffering from depression and should consult with a professional. Let Empathi help you find your way out of these struggles.

If you have a child or teenager whose disposition has dramatically changed recently—perhaps they’ve become more withdrawn, have lost interest in their favorite pastimes, or seem more emotionally volatile than they once were—consult a professional to find out if they might be struggling with depression.

A group of friends dance in the sun as one friend smiles, as if appreciating the joy he feels after experiencing depression.

With Empathi Depression Counseling You Will…

The bravest thing you can do is reach out for help.

Your Depression Counseling Questions, Answered

Talking about depression is difficult enough. Let’s make the rest of this easy.

Cost is an important factor when considering therapy for any reason. It’s also important to recognize that good therapy can help you turn your life around. The monetary price can become comparatively small when you’ve restored yourself to a more fulfilling and productive life. 

The cost of depression counseling varies, depending on your location and the services that you seek. Typically the price for depression counseling is between $100 and $250. Counselors with high success rates tend to be in higher demand and may charge more. 

Empathi pricing ranges from $150 – $500. Schedule a free consult and we’ll find a professional that fits into your price range. 

Many insurances cover some or all of the cost of counseling. Check with your insurance carrier to learn more about your coverage for depression counseling.

In 2020 alone, over 21 million adults suffered a major depressive episode lasting two weeks or longer—with a significantly higher rate among women than men. The numbers continue to rise, according to Boston University. The article found that pandemic stressors still play a huge role in perpetuating depression, with the worst impact landing on lower-income individuals.

Factors driving depression nationwide include residual effects of the pandemic, financial concerns, and job insecurity. Depression also often sets in with women who’ve recently given birth. Postpartum depression counseling is very effective in helping women recover.

Empathi counselors are skilled professionals who know how to walk you through the issues that impact your sense of self-worth and contentment. We can guide you back to feeling steady.

Depression is one of the most common mental-health issues facing people today. It also often goes hand-in-hand with anxiety and the two are frequently treated simultaneously. With depression on the rise, the need for good, qualified counselors is also increasing.

There are around 199,000 trained mental health counselors, therapists, and other mental health professionals in the United States. There’s no available breakdown of which professionals specialize in treating depression specifically but, as one of the most common mental and emotional-health issues in the country, most therapists are familiar with depression treatments.

Empathi counselors are experienced in treating many conditions related to depression.

Most therapists are trained in dealing with depression and its issues. Several even offer online depression counseling, which improves your chances of finding quality help if you can’t find adequate assistance locally or struggle to leave the house. Whatever your struggles are, there’s a counselor out there who can help you.

When reaching out for a counselor, it’s important to find one that’s a good fit for you. Communication is vital, so make sure your counselor understands you and where you’re coming from. Empathi counselors are trained communicators, able to adjust to an individual’s communication style.

Find out what training your counselor has. Diplomas and certificates indicate an understanding of their field. Contact your state’s board office to find out if there are any complaints or disciplinary actions against a potential therapist.

Inquire what experience they have with your specific issues. Credentials are a good start, but real-world experience builds a counselor’s skills in handling unique situations—and each situation is unique. Empathi counselors have extensive real-world experience in helping people overcome depression and similar conditions. 

Depression is a serious problem that affects many people nationwide. Our own depression impacts our family and friends, and can even seem to spread from person to person. Even when you feel generally okay but can’t seem to reach happiness for some reason, there’s a real chance that you could be suffering from mild clinical depression.

You deserve joy and contentment. Empathi is here to help you restore it. Let us guide you toward a brighter, more fulfilling future.

We are passionate about healing people.

Empathi’s compassionate team of depression counselors is here to do more than survive—we’re here to help you thrive.

Yelp Rates Us 5 Stars!


Why Yelp Chooses Empathi Depression Counseling

The Empathi Method for Emotionally-Focused Therapy (EFT) provides our counselors with an understanding of the core processes in an individual so we can move out of suffering and toward radical self-acceptance, emotional integration, and connection.

Using an attachment-based framework, we identify how our adult actions and experiences—in our relationship with ourselves, others, and the world— are informed by our very early bonds. Safe with a trained therapist, we are able to vulnerably explore the space between present-day stimulus and action to understand the attachment significance at play. This allows us to identify missing experiences and emotional needs to create living, breathing moments of healing in those spaces.

Pursuing professional psychotherapy is an important first step on the path to transforming cycles of rumination, stress, disconnection, and shame into a life of fulfillment. A genuine willingness and ability to explore the self—one’s  patterns, perceptions, decisions, and reactivity—can bring about a positive change in one’s life that is far-reaching and long lasting.

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Hear from those we've helped.

Sue Johnson, creator of emotionally-focused couples therapy

"With Empathi, Figs has created a fun and creative way to help people feel more connected in their relationship and to become acquainted with the transformational power of Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy."

Dr. Sue Johnson

Creator of Emotionally-Focused Therapy

It's quick, easy, and free
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Between the emotional hurdle of accepting you need help and the logistical nightmare of finding a therapist you trust, actually starting couples therapy is the hardest part…

That’s why we keep it simple:

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