Relationship Coaching
That Works

Couples Therapy
That Works

Better Methods. Better Lovin.
Better Methods. Better Outcomes. Better Lovin.

Did you know that Empathi's therapists can provide coaching to clients anywhere in the world?

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What's the difference between coaching and therapy?

1. Depth

Coaches help you identify your goals, notice what factors are getting in your way, and create a plan for moving forward.

Therapists are able to delve deep into past trauma, mental health issues, and childhood experiences.

2. Intensity

Coaching is perfect for couples who are experiencing one or two specific blocks in their relationship.

Therapy is proven to work just as well for high-suffering couples as it does for couples with less conflict.

3. Timeline

Coaching is generally a short term arrangement, focused on specific goals. 

The Empathi method is designed to work fast, but therapy can be short or long term and ebb and flow as needs change.

4. Scope

Coaches don’t work with mental illnesses or provide diagnoses. 

So even though our therapists are able to work with clients in that capacity within the state of California or New York — if you are outside of those states, they have to stick to coaching.

5. Preconceptions

If your partner has been resistant to the idea of mushy-gushy therapy, goal-focused coaching might be the answer! 

Relationship Coaching
That Works

​If you’d like to find out if coaching would be a good fit for you and your partner (or just you!), schedule a call with our client care coordinator today.

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