Anxiety Therapy
That Works

Anxiety Therapy
That Works

Your Anxiety Makes Sense.

Man with anxiety

When stress and anxiety take over your life, they can affect your relationships, your performance, your body, your sleep, and your ability to experience peace.

It’s natural to look for anything that can help you escape that shadow of dread. Grounding techniques, meditation apps, stress management strategies, “10 tricks to stop anxiety in its tracks!”—these can be a lifeline when you’re suffering.

But are they enough?

What would happen if you stopped trying to quiet your anxiety and started really listening to it?

Anyone who experiences anxiety, anxiety attacks, or panic attacks knows that attempts to push your feelings down in the moment are not only ineffective, they can make things worse in the long run. 

So why would we take that same approach in anxiety treatment?

Woman experiencing peace

Discover where your anxiety comes from with the help of a trained Empathi therapist.

Anxiety is a survival strategy. 

By welcoming it as an honored guest and listening to it like never before, you and your anxiety therapist can find the emotional need it is reaching so desperately for. 

The only way out is through. We can help you get there.

*After a brief period of EFT guidance, clinical research has shown that 86% of those treated improve and 73% sustain those improvements after two years. Though this research was performed on couples, EFT is not limited to partners.

Empathi's Methods
are proven to help

Our talented counselors are each trained in the use of the Empathi Method, a proprietary blend of counseling techniques and practices—in particular, Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) for individuals and couples.

Using the Empathi Method, we'll train you to recognize the emotional significance of the cycles you are experiencing and how to break out of them so you can reliably return to a feeling of security and peace for years to come.

*After a brief period of EFT guidance, clinical research has shown that 86% of those treated improve and 73% sustain those improvements after two years. Though this research was performed on couples, EFT is not limited to partners.

The Best Anxiety Therapy Solutions |

Is Empathi Anxiety Therapy right for me?

If you suffer from constant stress and worry, are fearful of harmless situations, or just feel generally afraid all the time without knowing why, you are likely suffering from anxiety. Anxiety and related conditions can hold you back from living your best life. There are so many activities you want to enjoy, so many events you would like to attend, but a stifling apprehension takes hold of you at every turn and keeps you from enjoying the best that the world has to offer.

You’re not alone. Anxiety affects many people each year, and it’s been on the rise since 2020—even with the worst of the pandemic behind us, there’s a lot of residual stress leading to anxiety in adults around the country.

Whatever keeps you up at night—metaphorically or literally, there’s hope. Anxiety is treatable and we have the tools and knowledge to help you through your difficult times. Reach out to Empathi today and let us give you the peace of mind you’ve been waiting for.

Man with a rainbow on his face smiling

Is Empathi Anxiety Therapy right for me?

If you suffer from constant stress and worry, are fearful of harmless situations, or just feel generally afraid all the time without knowing why, you are likely suffering from anxiety. Anxiety and related conditions can hold you back from living your best life. There are so many activities you want to enjoy, so many events you would like to attend, but a stifling apprehension takes hold of you at every turn and keeps you from enjoying the best that the world has to offer.

Man with a rainbow on his face smiling

You’re not alone. Anxiety affects many people each year, and it’s been on the rise since 2020—even with the worst of the pandemic behind us, there’s a lot of residual stress leading to anxiety in adults around the country.

Whatever keeps you up at night—metaphorically or literally, there’s hope. Anxiety is treatable and we have the tools and knowledge to help you through your difficult times. Reach out to Empathi today and let us give you the peace of mind you’ve been waiting for.

Woman sits in a coffee shop, pensive but pleased

What is the best therapy for anxiety?

Anxiety is one of the most prevalent emotional issues of modern times. So much so that the psychology field has put a significant amount of effort into researching the best ways of treating it. Every day, new research is being done to help identify and combat anxiety and related issues.

Some of the more popular treatments include cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), and medication.

CBT focuses on reframing thinking and adjusting behavior to help reduce fear and anxiety. It often includes exposure to anxiety triggers and relaxation techniques. ACT is a newer approach to therapeutic treatment. It employs mindfulness and goal-setting strategies to minimize anxiety. Medication is often a last resort or used to supplement talk therapy.

Here's Empathi's approach:

Empathi employs the most effective, industry-recognized methods to help you overcome the emotional issues holding you back from living your best life.

Attachment theory-based therapy has been used successfully for almost half a century. By exploring the circumstances that helped build the framework of your core sense of identity, attachment theory helps mend trust in yourself and others.

Experiential psychotherapy gets at the root of negative behaviors that impact and intensify anxiety.

While it was initially intended for couples, Emotionally-Focused Therapy (EFT) has seen a growing usage in helping individuals reduce anxiety, and it’s seeing a great amount of success. EFT explores the bonds between individuals, deepening our understanding of ourselves in relation to others. By restoring our sense of connection with others, EFT helps remove some of the barriers that induce anxiety.

Can an Empathi Anxiety Counselor help me, specifically?

Anxiety is a state that can be brought on by a number of different situations and events. It manifests differently for each person, and the severity differs by situation and individual. 

While Empathi’s approach does not emphasize a pathological framework for anxiety, we treat clients with mild to debilitating levels of anxiety, those with specific and general triggers, and those with disorders.

Red-haired woman holding a marker, standing next to a white board, and smiling

Here are some of the conditions clients are dealing with when they come to Empathi:

Our relationship therapy is provided by experienced couples therapists who use established methods to walk you through rebuilding your relationship.

GAD shows up in individuals with continual worry and problems with concentration, and usually accompanies depression. GAD can be highly treatable with therapy.

SAD is characterized by ongoing worry you’ll offend someone, fear of embarrassing yourself, and panic at the thought of interacting with strangers. Social anxiety disorder therapy is extremely helpful in treating this condition.

Panic disorder presents itself as recurring episodes of unexpected fear, and is often accompanied by physical symptoms, such as chest pain, trouble breathing, and digestive distress. 

Often trivialized by popular culture, phobias (or intense fear of specific items or circumstances) can have a serious impact on a person’s ability to function, if not treated. Specific phobias affect about 19 million adults in the U.S.. Anxiety-related conditions can intensify the effect of existing phobias, and sometimes even bring about new ones.

The result of an extremely emotionally or physically traumatic personal event, PTSD affects 7.7 million people in the United States. This condition manifests itself in nightmares, extreme anxiety, and flashbacks. If left untreated, PTSD can be socially crippling and lead to a host of other issues.

When anxiety doesn’t seem to rise to the level of disorder, individuals will frequently try to muddle through without dealing with it directly or reaching out for help. This is a mistake. Getting therapeutic help can not only prevent symptoms from worsening, it can help you experience a joy and peace that has been needlessly out of reach.

Empathi counselors are experienced in helping with these issues and many others. Reach out to us today to help you back on the path to enjoying your life.

Women laughing together at a gathering—they're free, not anxious.

Empathi Anxiety
Therapy Can Help You…

Stop suffering. Book your call now.

Your Anxiety Therapy Questions, Answered

Opening up to a therapist about anxiety can be stressful. Why don’t we start?

When thinking about therapy for any reason, it makes sense to consider the monetary cost. The truth is, when you’re suffering from emotional conditions that are holding you back such as anxiety, good therapy returns what you put into it many times over by helping to restore you to a more fulfilling and productive life. In short—it’s worth it.

The cost of counseling for anxiety will vary, depending on what part of the country you’re in and the counselor you see. Typically the price ranges between $100 and $250. Counselors with a lot of experience and high success rates will often cost more because they’re in higher demand. 

Empathi pricing ranges from $150 – $500. Schedule a free consult and we’ll help you find the right therapist in your price range.

Anxiety is one of the most prevalent mental health issues affecting people in the U.S. today. Anxiety-related conditions strike an average of 18.1 percent of adults 18 and older per year. That’s over 40 million people that suffer from anxiety issues in the United States annually. The number of cases has increased over the past few years, and are projected to increase in the future.


The impact of the pandemic alone has caused many people to feel apprehensive about leaving their homes and venturing out into the world, developing “pandemic anxiety,” fear about getting illnesses, or anxiety around socio-political affairs, often on top of existing stressors.


If you’re suffering from anxiety or related issues, you don’t need to feel helpless. Help is here. Empathi counselors know how to help you navigate through anxiety and worry that may be interfering with your ability to face life with enthusiasm.

The need for anxiety therapy has been on the rise over the past few years. In 2021, 84% of psychologists surveyed reported an increase in treatment of issues related to anxiety. Compared to 60% in 2020, this is a substantial increase in just one year, and there are no signs of the demand slowing down any time soon.


There are roughly 199,000 individuals employed as mental health counselors, therapists, and other mental health professionals in the United States. There’s no statistical breakdown available that clarifies which professionals specialize in treating anxiety specifically but, as one of the most common mental and emotional-health issues in the country, most therapists are trained to assist with anxiety-related conditions.


199,000 may seem like a large number of mental-health professionals, but when you consider the number of people suffering from anxiety each year, that’s around 201 individuals per therapist. The number of therapists is expected to grow 16% from 2020 to 2030, which will add another 31,000 new mental health professionals to the field nationwide.

There are a number of good therapists that specialize in dealing with anxiety issues. Several even provide online therapy for anxiety, which further broadens the scope of available qualified counselors.

Still, it’s important to find a counselor that’s a good fit for you, specifically. 

Communication is important, so it stands to reason you’ll want a therapist that seems to understand you as a person as well as the problems you’re facing. Empathi counselors are trained communicators, able to adjust to an individual’s communication style.

Credentials are important. Diplomas and certificates indicate an understanding of their field. Find out what kind of training your counselor has and contact your state’s board office to find out if there are any complaints or disciplinary actions against a potential therapist.

Ask what experience they have in addressing your specific issues. Experience is important too. Certificates are good, but real-world experience puts all of that learning to work and builds a counselor’s skills in handling the unique problems of individuals. Empathi counselors have extensive real-world experience in guiding people out of anxiety and similar conditions. 

Anxiety is no trivial matter. It’s a serious issue that affects many people around the country, keeping them from pursuing their ambitions or even stepping outside when it’s sunny out. It makes every day tough. Without help, each day seems more difficult than the last. 

We’re here to help guide you out of your anxiety and make each day a bright, new experience for you. Contact Empathi and start your journey to a freer tomorrow.

We are passionate about healing people.

Empathi’s compassionate team of anxiety therapists is here to do more than survive—we’re here to help you thrive.

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Why Yelp Chooses Empathi Anxiety Therapy

The Empathi Method for Emotionally-Focused Therapy (EFT) provides our counselors with an understanding of the core processes in an individual so we can move out of suffering and toward radical self-acceptance, emotional integration, and connection.

Using an attachment-based framework, we identify how our adult actions and experiences—in our relationship with ourselves, others, and the world— are informed by our very early bonds. Safe with a trained therapist, we are able to vulnerably explore the space between present-day stimulus and action to understand the attachment significance at play. This allows us to identify missing experiences and emotional needs to create living, breathing moments of healing in those spaces.

Pursuing professional psychotherapy is an important first step on the path to transforming cycles of rumination, stress, disconnection, and shame into a life of fulfillment. A genuine willingness and ability to explore the self—one’s  patterns, perceptions, decisions, and reactivity—can bring about a positive change in one’s life that is far-reaching and long lasting.

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Sue Johnson, creator of emotionally-focused couples therapy

"With Empathi, Figs has created a fun and creative way to help people feel more connected in their relationship and to become acquainted with the transformational power of Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy."

Dr. Sue Johnson

Creator of Emotionally-Focused Therapy

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Between the emotional hurdle of accepting you need help and the logistical nightmare of finding a therapist you trust, actually starting couples therapy is the hardest part…

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