Ben Reebs In Love...

Ben Reebs In Love

In this episode, Ben shares his most vulnerable moments and mistakes in love, from the trail of wreckage behind him, to the beautiful sky that awaits ahead. The conversion runs deep, acknowledging the dark and light of intimacy in all relationships.

Shame biologically speaking is this momentary message that you have to stop paying attention to what you are paying attention to. — Fiachra Figs O’Sullivan

Portland based naturopathic doctor, Ben Reebs, joins Figs as the second guest in the Who Are you in Love series. As a fellow healer, Ben helps his patients restore their bodies, awakening them to the innate healing mechanism that we all have.

In this episode, Ben shares his most vulnerable moments and mistakes in love, from the trail of wreckage behind him, to the beautiful sky that awaits ahead. The conversion runs deep, acknowledging the dark and light of intimacy in all relationships.

Figs asks a couple of key questions that are worth exploring in your own relationship:

  • Is there an image or place that captures love for you?
  • Do you have a sense of your go-to judgements in relationship?

Ben answers with an honesty and authenticity that all listeners can relate to and encourages everyone to share by admitting that expressing vulnerability inspires.

Reminder from Figs: No one said it would be easy to be someone primary attachment figure. So have some empathy for yourself.

Curious to learn more about Who You are in Love? Take the free quiz at Everyone needs help and guidance. In Fig words, is my attempt to get that out there to everybody not just people that are willing to access psychotherapy. Access to help is our birthright and should not be limited by location or money or stigma.

Who Are You in Love is a recurring interview series in the Empathi with Figs podcast that features a variety of real people sharing their stories of love, conflict, and repair. With humor, compassion and authenticity, Figs and his guests dive deeply together into the struggles and joys of navigating relationship and conflict all while highlighting our universal need for love and connection. If you´d like to be interviewed, or have someone you think would be great for the show please email Figs.

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Figs is the creator of the Empathi method and the certification process for Empathi coaches. He’s also Chief Empathi Officer, husband, dad, wounded-healer and was featured on NPR’s All Things Considered as a champion for healthy relationships. Figs’ life’s mission is to help couples feel more connected.

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