Couples Therapy Santa Clara

See your relationship in a new light, without making impossible changes with Empathi’s couples therapy Santa Clara.

Couples Therapy Santa Clara

See your relationship in a new light, without making impossible changes with Empathi’s couples therapy Santa Clara.

Better Methods. Better Lovin.
Better Methods. Better Outcomes. Better Lovin.

Empathi's therapists provide hope
to couples in Santa Clara

empathi couples therapy

Struggling with your partner is despairing and exhausting.

Sometimes it can seem hopeless. The good news is, we really know how to help you get unstuck!

Empathi’s Methods are proven to help.

We are extremely selective about which therapists are invited to join our practice.

Each of our therapists are trained to use our proprietary blend of the Empathi Method and Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy (EFT). We’ll help you understand both your intrapersonal and interpersonal struggles in a way that guides you to communicate better, repair after fights, and feel more deeply and securely connected.

We are extremely selective about which therapists are invited to join our practice.

Each of our therapists are trained to use our proprietary blend of the Empathi Method and Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy (EFT). We’ll help you understand both your intrapersonal and interpersonal struggles in a way that guides you to communicate better, repair after fights, and feel more deeply and securely connected.

Clinical research shows that 86% of couples improve after a brief period of EFT guidance, and 73% have maintained their improvements when we check back two years later.

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couples therapy that works

With Empathi Couples
Therapy You Will…

There’s no quick fix for repairing a relationship — if there were, no one would suffer in love — but there is a process that works.

Stop struggling. Book your call now.

Best Couples Therapy in Santa Clara, CA |

Discover why Empathi couples therapy is right for you.

Do I need Empathi couples therapy?

Is there anything more exhilarating than the early days of a new relationship? A new connection makes you feel like all of your troubles are behind you; your feet feel lighter when you walk, the air smells sweeter when you breathe. It hits you with wave after wave of euphoric joy. You sweep aside any doubts you may have, and see only the best that your new partner has to offer.

That kind of bliss can’t last forever. With time, you settle into a routine. Then, you start to experience fights. Then, perhaps you find it difficult to not experience fighting. You and your partner love each other and you’re committed, but that euphoric joy is swept aside by external obligations and internal doubts.

If constant conflict, rescheduling your partner and your priorities, or other moments of disconnect have put distance between you and the partner you love, don’t let regret dig its teeth into you. Take action and reach out to Empathi right away. We help return relationships to their rightful place on couples’ hearts and calendars.

couples therapy

Do I need Empathi couples therapy?

Is there anything more exhilarating than the early days of a new relationship? A new connection makes you feel like all of your troubles are behind you; your feet feel lighter when you walk, the air smells sweeter when you breathe. It hits you with wave after wave of euphoric joy. You sweep aside any doubts you may have, and see only the best that your new partner has to offer.

couples therapy

That kind of bliss can’t last forever. With time, you settle into a routine. Then, you start to experience fights. Then, perhaps you find it difficult to not experience fighting. You and your partner love each other and you’re committed, but that euphoric joy is swept aside by external obligations and internal doubts.

If constant conflict, rescheduling your partner and your priorities, or other moments of disconnect have put distance between you and the partner you love, don’t let regret dig its teeth into you. Take action and reach out to Empathi right away. We help return relationships to their rightful place on couples’ hearts and calendars.

couples counseling

Can a couples therapist near me help repair our relationship?

Are you looking for couples therapy in Santa Clara, CA? You’re not alone. It’s not uncommon for partners to undergo shifts in priorities and contentment throughout the course of a relationship. Thousands of couples are experiencing the same struggle and more reach out for help every day. Be encouraged knowing that we help partners who encounter a wide variety of difficulties.

Here are the most common issues people in Santa Clara, CA come to us with:

This is a common issue among partners who live together. Arguments over who owns what are often a symptom of greater troubles in the relationship, but it can cause greater fissures in the connection when items and objects are perceived as more important than the committed partnership.

When a couple shares a home, household responsibilities receive greater focus. When two partners can’t agree on who should be in charge of what tasks, it turns into a continual point of conflict. The problem is usually even more predominant when there are also children in the household.

It’s alienating when one partner feels the other doesn’t have room in their life for them anymore. When both partners come to feel this way, it leads to a widening gap in communication and intimacy.

Diminished emotional and physical closeness is an unfortunate side effect of missing out on time with each other. Loss of intimacy is one of the most common issues that couples encounter, and one of the simplest to remedy.

When a committed couple isn’t officially married, it’s not uncommon for the topic of marriage to cause stress. Often one partner is ready to move forward while the other likes things just the way they are or just feels that the time isn’t right.

We have the skills and experience to see couples through these and many other difficulties. Empathi is here to guide you through overcoming yours.

What if I've tried couples therapy in Santa Clara before?

If you’ve seen a relationship counselor in the past and they were unsuccessful, don’t lose faith. It’s possible the therapist didn’t have specialized expertise in couples therapy, or perhaps it was a case of them just not seeming to get you. You’ve come to the right place. Empathi’s skilled therapists will get you and provide you with effective tools to get you through rough times in your relationship.

Couples Counseling for parents

Here's why our approach works

Counselors at Empathi apply recognized methods to guide you through your difficulties and help return your relationship to the forefront of your priorities.

Disagreements in relationships are perfectly healthy, but when healthy debate becomes consistent poking and button-pushing, it damages relationships. Emotionally focused therapy, or EFT, helps you to turn conflict into the healthy communication it should be.

We need trust for a relationship to grow and be healthy. It’s not easy for some people to put their faith into others. Through attachment theory, we help you learn and build trust.

Tragically, addiction can develop before or during a relationship. Addictive behaviors damage intimacy and trust, but with experiential psychotherapy techniques, we offer tools and guidance to help people out of those habits so they can start engaging in healthy ones.

couples therapy

Will it be difficult to start couples therapy near me?

Starting couples counseling doesn’t have to be scary. You may not know what to expect, or even what your ideal outcome is supposed to look like. We’re here to help you with that. Take that first step into quality relationship therapy.

Here’s how we make it easy:

Here are the ways we make it easy:

Couples Therapy in Santa Clara

Begin the Empathi Process

Your expert counselor is here to guide you back to connection using Emotionally-Focused Couples Therapy and the Empathi Method.


The hardest part is just getting started.

Healing starts with accepting you need help, booking a free consult, and showing up as you are. Everything that comes next will be easier as you’re held by an Empathi therapist and a proven process. From now on, you’re not alone in this.


Feel like you’re on the same team again.

Explore your process and discover a unified narrative where neither of you are wrong or right, “the good one,” or “the bad one.” Learn to approach suffering and conflicts as an “us” problem instead of a “them” problem or a “me” problem.


See the hurt and love behind their reactivity.

Strengthen your new narrative by accessing empathy to recognize the root of each other’s reactivity, how much you matter to each other, and what love is. Understand the cycles you get into with the help of your expert Empathi counselor.


Share the hurt and love behind your reactivity.

Get to know, live in, and share your vulnerable feelings. Then, learn to let in the ways that those feelings are understood and accepted by your partner through the power of the Empathi method and Emotionally-Focused Couples Therapy.


Feel deeply and securely bonded to one another.

Mend your relationship and your wounds through the understanding that you matter to each other. Learn to grieve, show up for, heal, and accept the most vulnerable parts inside of each other without sacrificing those parts in yourselves.


Rely on your bond to get out of stuck moments.

Having proved your ability to resolve long-standing issues, heated conflicts, and negative cycles, face your future together with a certainty that you will not only survive those moments, but grow stronger and more connected because of them.

Wendy Parker Counselor

Associate Marriage and Family Therapist #118938
Supervised by Teale Taxis LMFT #100084

Relationships have the ability to present us with challenges, and for this reason they also have the ability to be our greatest teachers and catalysts for growth.

A student of life and of her own partnership spanning over a decade, Justin is a lover of music, nature, food, learning and connection.

She enjoys working with couples from diverse backgrounds and of diverse configurations to uncover the cycles that generate conflict and disconnection between them. She utilizes an EFT attachment framework to help couples fundamentally shift their perspectives in order to experience a deeper sense of safety, freedom and connection with one another.

Raph counselor

Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, LMFT #123865

EMDR-trained Marriage and Family Therapist and Somatic Experiencing Practitioner. Happily married father of two. Raphael loves helping people get more intimately connected by helping them work through emotional and traumatic blocks. His own long-term relationship has been aided greatly by Emotionally Focused Therapy and he wants to share the benefits of being more insightful, honest, and compassionate in relationships.

Raphael has worked with several different configurations of relationship with the focus on creating security, care and safety. By helping couples relate to each other more effectively, it has ripple effects on their children; friends; extended community. The stronger we are together, the easier the travails of life are to face.

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We are passionate about healing relationships.

Our team of couples counselors, relationship coaches, and marriage therapists can help you reconnect and discover that loving feeling.

Frequently Asked Couples Therapy Questions

Read our Santa Clara FAQ or schedule a free consult now and get answers directly!

How much does relationship therapy in Santa Clara cost?

In Santa Clara, couples therapy varies from $40 to $200 per session. The highly skilled therapists with impressive success rates charge closer toward the high end because they’re in greater demand. Some couples counselors might charge even more than $200, but these are often highly specialized therapists that have the most impressive success rates.

Empathi offers a range of pricing. Our relationship experts offer personalized marital guidance to bring magic and fulfillment back to your committed partnership.

couples therapy empathi

How much does relationship therapy in Santa Clara cost?

In Santa Clara, couples therapy varies from $40 to $200 per session. The highly skilled therapists with impressive success rates charge closer toward the high end because they’re in greater demand. Some couples counselors might charge even more than $200, but these are often highly specialized therapists that have the most impressive success rates.

Empathi offers a range of pricing. Our relationship experts offer personalized marital guidance to bring magic and fulfillment back to your committed partnership.

couples therapy empathi
couples therapy happy couple

Is pre-marriage counseling a good idea?

Premarital counseling is a great idea if you’re planning to get married. Pre-marriage counseling provides effective tools to work through conflict and productively communicate with each other. Getting counseling before getting married also enhances the quality of your relationship at its current status so that you go into the marriage with an advantage.

How much does premarital counseling near me cost?

The cost is about the same for premarital counseling as it is for marriage or couples counseling in Santa Clara. It varies, but the typical range is between $45-$200. Experienced couples therapists with high success rates might charge even more because they’re in higher demand.

top rated marriage counseling
happy couples therapy

What are the divorce statistics for Santa Clara, CA?

National divorce rates have been on a decline over the past three decades, and the trend appears to be continuing. But though divorce isn’t a process someone expects to go through when they first get married, it happens.

World Populated Review data places the divorce rate in California among the lowest in the country at 9.0%. There were no available statistics for the city of Santa Clara. However, the county of Santa Clara has a reported divorce rate of 8.0%, which is even lower than the state average.

How many couples therapists are in Santa Clara, CA?

Couples therapists are grouped with marriage and family therapists in statistical charts. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics places just over 60,000 people employed nationally as marriage or marriage and family therapists. There are just over 32,000 employed in the state of California, which is the highest number in the nation. There are 1,680 practicing therapists in and around Santa Clara. These stats reflect all of Santa Clara county, including San Jose, Sunnyvale, Santa Clara, and Palo Alto. There are no statistics available for individual cities within the county.

A number of sites have a list for “best relationship counseling near me” to aid suffering couples in their search for qualified therapists. A search of best couples therapists in the San Francisco area places Empathi founder, Fiachra Figs O’Sullivan in the top 10 list on Yelp and the top 5 list on GuideDoc.

empathi couples therapy

How many couples therapists are in Santa Clara, CA?

Couples therapists are grouped with marriage and family therapists in statistical charts. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics places just over 60,000 people employed nationally as marriage or marriage and family therapists. There are just over 32,000 employed in the state of California, which is the highest number in the nation. There are 1,680 practicing therapists in and around Santa Clara. These stats reflect all of Santa Clara county, including San Jose, Sunnyvale, Santa Clara, and Palo Alto. There are no statistics available for individual cities within the county.

empathi couples therapy

A number of sites have a list for “best relationship counseling near me” to aid suffering couples in their search for qualified therapists. A search of best couples therapists in the San Francisco area places Empathi founder, Fiachra Figs O’Sullivan in the top 10 list on Yelp and the top 5 list on GuideDoc.

couples therapy

How do I choose a good couples therapist in Santa Clara, CA?

First, find a therapist who has experience in couples therapy. After that, there are many good, qualified therapists out there, but you’ll want to find the one who fits you best.

couples therapy

How do I choose a good couples therapist in Santa Clara, CA?

First, find a therapist who has experience in couples therapy. After that, there are many good, qualified therapists out there, but you’ll want to find the one who fits you best.

Here are some tips to help you find the therapist that fits:

Pay attention to their communication style. You need to make sure your therapist understands you and your issues, and it’s just as critical that they are able to express their advice effectively.

If a counselor’s values are similar to the principles you and your partner share or they are able to understand them, they will be much more effective guides to walk you through your issues.

It’s okay to ask questions. Ask a potential therapist everything you need to determine their suitability. Give them an interview. It’s your relationship’s future that’s at stake here, so try to find a therapist who is a good fit for you and your partner.

What questions should I ask before starting couples therapy in Santa Clara, CA?

You’ll want to know the qualifications of the therapist that you’ll be seeing and to make sure they seem like a good fit.

couples counseling

These questions will help you determine if the therapist is a good option for you:

Stick with it. The best therapist in the world can’t help you if you don’t stay with their therapy plan. Couples who’ve stayed with therapy until it was complete have better outcomes all around. They enjoy better emotional health, live longer, and report themselves as being happier than before they started therapy. 

If you and your partner need guidance to help restore your relationship, now is the best time to take action. The sooner you act, the sooner quality couples therapy can help you. Come to us for quality counseling.

Contact Empathi and put your committed partnership back on top.

Couples Therapy That Works In
Santa Clara

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Take it from our clients via our direct Yelp page feed.


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"With Empathi, Figs has created a fun and creative way to help people feel more connected in their relationship and to become acquainted with the transformational power of Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy."

Dr. Sue Johnson

Creator of Emotionally Focused Therapy for Couples

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It's quick, easy, and
free to get started!

Between the emotional hurdle of accepting you need help and the logistical nightmare of finding a therapist you trust, actually starting couples therapy is the hardest part…

That’s why we keep it simple:

Don’t Waste Time Feeling Stuck

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