Therapy That
in Santa Rosa

Therapy That
in Santa Rosa

Better Methods. Better Lovin.
Better Methods. Better Outcomes. Better Lovin.

Empathi's therapists provide hope
to couples in Santa Rosa

empathi couples therapy

Struggling with your partner is despairing and exhausting.

Sometimes it can seem hopeless. The good news is, we really know how to help you get unstuck!

Empathi’s Methods are proven to help.

We are extremely selective about which therapists are invited to join our practice.

Each of our therapists are trained to use our proprietary blend of the Empathi Method and Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy (EFT). We’ll help you understand both your intrapersonal and interpersonal struggles in a way that guides you to communicate better, repair after fights, and feel more deeply and securely connected.

We are extremely selective about which therapists are invited to join our practice.

Each of our therapists are trained to use our proprietary blend of the Empathi Method and Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy (EFT). We’ll help you understand both your intrapersonal and interpersonal struggles in a way that guides you to communicate better, repair after fights, and feel more deeply and securely connected.

Clinical research shows that 86% of couples improve after a brief period of EFT guidance, and 73% have maintained their improvements when we check back two years later.

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couples therapy that works

With Empathi Couples
Therapy You Will…

There’s no quick fix for repairing a relationship — if there were, no one would suffer in love — but there is a process that works.

Stop struggling. Book your call now.

Best Couples Therapy in Santa Rosa, CA |

Discover why Empathi couples therapy is right for you.

Do I need Empathi couples therapy?

Couples enter new relationships filled with hope and excitement for the future, dreaming of the possibilities that lie before us. It’s a magical time where you can’t remember ever not feeling this way and you wonder how you were able to go so long without this person in our life. You can’t imagine your life without them. As dating blossoms into a committed relationship, you see the future and it looks bright.

But time has a way of playing tricks on relationships. Other obligations take over, problems arise between you and your partner, you exchange harsh words, and rifts form between you. Maybe you lie to each other—about small things, at first, but soon the trust is entirely gone. You worry that this might be the end of things. You love your partner. You’re committed. You don’t want it to be over. 

This doesn’t have to be the end.

If harsh words, dishonesty, and other relationship struggles have brought your relationship to the brink, don’t despair. There is help to be had. Quality couples therapy has guided countless couples through these situations or worse. Reach out to Empathi today. We’re here to give you a hand through your troubles.

couples therapy

Do I need Empathi couples therapy?

Couples enter new relationships filled with hope and excitement for the future, dreaming of the possibilities that lie before us. It’s a magical time where you can’t remember ever not feeling this way and you wonder how you were able to go so long without this person in our life. You can’t imagine your life without them. As dating blossoms into a committed relationship, you see the future and it looks bright

couples therapy

But time has a way of playing tricks on relationships. Other obligations take over, problems arise between you and your partner, you exchange harsh words, and rifts form between you. Maybe you lie to each other—about small things, at first, but soon the trust is entirely gone. You worry that this might be the end of things. You love your partner. You’re committed. You don’t want it to be over. 

This doesn’t have to be the end.

If harsh words, dishonesty, and other relationship struggles have brought your relationship to the brink, don’t despair. There is help to be had. Quality couples therapy has guided countless couples through these situations or worse. Reach out to Empathi today. We’re here to give you a hand through your troubles.

couples counseling

Can a couples therapist near me help repair our relationship?

Are you looking for couples therapy in Santa Rosa, CA? You’re not alone. Many, many couples encounter rifts forming in their relationship as a result of conflict, dishonesty, and disconnection. Thousands of couples are experiencing the same struggle and more reach out for help every day. You don’t have to work alone in your fight to repair your relationship.

Here are the most common issues people in Santa Rosa, CA come to us with:

Unmarried couples can come to odds over the topic of marriage. When one partner feels ready to move forward and the other doesn’t believe that it’s the right time it can cause friction within the relationship.

If you or your partner have done something to damage the trust in your relationship, you probably feel like there’s no way past it. Broken trust is a difficult issue to face, but it’s an obstacle that we’ve guided many partners through, reopening intimacy to them.

Time and difficulty often take a toll on physical and emotional connections. This is a common issue that faces many couples. Good relationship counseling works to restore those connections and bring you and your partner closer together.

We’ve helped couples overcome countless issues such as these which stand in the way of their fulfillment. We’re here to help you overcome yours as well.

What if I've tried couples therapy in Santa Rosa before?

If you’ve seen a relationship therapist in the past and it hasn’t worked for you, don’t be discouraged. A quality couples therapist can help restore the magic to your relationship. You’ve come to the right place. Our expert professionals have experience guiding partners through all types of issues.

Couples Counseling for parents

Here's why our approach works

Our relationship counseling is provided by experienced couples therapists. We use established methods that have been shown to work in order to walk you through rebuilding your relationship.

Trust is the most important ingredient in any relationship. It may already be difficult for one or both of you to trust. Perhaps one of you broke that trust along the way. We apply attachment theory to guide you through restoring that sense of safety with each other and healing your relationship.

Damaging habits that come with addiction can seriously damage a couple’s bond. These habits chip away at trust and intimacy and do serious harm to a committed relationship. Experiential psychotherapy methods get at the root of addictive behaviors and give you the tools to build healthy habits.

It’s not unhealthy to disagree from time to time. However, persistent conflict isn’t good for a relationship. Through emotionally focused therapy (EFT), Empathi turns conflict into communication. 86% of couples who’ve gone through EFT see real improvement right away. This improvement continues long-term for 73% of couples.

couples therapy

Will it be difficult to start couples therapy near me?

Starting couples counseling doesn’t have to be scary. Couples sometimes don’t know what to expect from couples therapy. They may not have an idea what the future holds, they just know that something has to change for the better. Relationship therapy is here to turn it around for you.

Here’s how we make it easy:

Here are the ways we make it easy:

Couples Therapy in Santa Rosa

Begin the Empathi Process

Your expert counselor is here to guide you back to connection using Emotionally-Focused Couples Therapy and the Empathi Method.


The hardest part is just getting started.

Healing starts with accepting you need help, booking a free consult, and showing up as you are. Everything that comes next will be easier as you’re held by an Empathi therapist and a proven process. From now on, you’re not alone in this.


Feel like you’re on the same team again.

Explore your process and discover a unified narrative where neither of you are wrong or right, “the good one,” or “the bad one.” Learn to approach suffering and conflicts as an “us” problem instead of a “them” problem or a “me” problem.


See the hurt and love behind their reactivity.

Strengthen your new narrative by accessing empathy to recognize the root of each other’s reactivity, how much you matter to each other, and what love is. Understand the cycles you get into with the help of your expert Empathi counselor.


Share the hurt and love behind your reactivity.

Get to know, live in, and share your vulnerable feelings. Then, learn to let in the ways that those feelings are understood and accepted by your partner through the power of the Empathi method and Emotionally-Focused Couples Therapy.


Feel deeply and securely bonded to one another.

Mend your relationship and your wounds through the understanding that you matter to each other. Learn to grieve, show up for, heal, and accept the most vulnerable parts inside of each other without sacrificing those parts in yourselves.


Rely on your bond to get out of stuck moments.

Having proved your ability to resolve long-standing issues, heated conflicts, and negative cycles, face your future together with a certainty that you will not only survive those moments, but grow stronger and more connected because of them.

Karen counselor

Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor in California #9560

Karen is skilled at helping couples understand the painful cycle of conflict they’re stuck in and guiding them back to safety, connection, and love. She is known by her clients for offering direct and honest feedback with love, warmth, and humor. Karen specializes in working with couples and individuals dealing with relationship issues. She is trained in Gottman Couples Therapy and has intensive training in EFT for Couples.

Ford counselor

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in San Francisco #116677

A gentle man who walks the talk, a loyal long-time partner in a committed relationship. Ford is a certified teacher and senior trainer in iRest, helping train other therapists in this somatic healing practice. He is also certified in yoga therapy and SHEN therapy for emotional healing. Ford’s passion is helping clients find fulfilling connection with themselves and in their relationships.

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We are passionate about healing relationships.

Our team of couples counselors, relationship coaches, and marriage therapists can help you reconnect and discover that loving feeling.

Frequently Asked Couples Therapy Questions

Read our Santa Rosa FAQ or schedule a free consult now and get answers directly!

How much does relationship therapy in Santa Rosa cost?

There are no hard statistics on the cost of couples therapy in Santa Rosa. Across California you can expect to pay between $45 and $200 per session. This somewhat wide range is due to some therapists having greater experience and better success rates, thus being in higher demand. Some charge more than $200, but these are often very specialized therapists who have the highest success rates.

Empathi offers a range of pricing. Our relationship counseling professionals are experts who provide personalized guidance and give you the tools to make your relationship successful and fulfilling.

couples therapy empathi

How much does relationship therapy in Santa Rosa cost?

There are no hard statistics on the cost of couples therapy in Santa Rosa. Across California you can expect to pay between $45 and $200 per session. This somewhat wide range is due to some therapists having greater experience and better success rates, thus being in higher demand. Some charge more than $200, but these are often very specialized therapists who have the highest success rates.

Empathi offers a range of pricing. Our relationship counseling professionals are experts who provide personalized guidance and give you the tools to make your relationship successful and fulfilling.

couples therapy empathi
couples therapy happy couple

Is pre-marriage counseling a good idea?

If you’ve decided as a couple to get married, preliminary counseling is an excellent way to kick off your marriage. You learn ways to effectively manage conflict and it provides useful guidance in productive communication. Pre-marriage counseling is also a great way to strengthen your current relationship, so you’ll have a great advantage going into your marriage.

How much does premarital counseling near me cost?

The cost is about the same for premarital counseling as it is for couples counseling in Santa Rosa, so it varies, but the typical range for counseling in the area is typically between $45 and $200. Expert couples therapists with high success rates often charge more, because they’re in highest demand.

top rated marriage counseling
happy couples therapy

What are the divorce statistics for Santa Rosa, CA?

National divorce rates have been on a decline over the past three decades, and the trend appears to be continuing. Still, divorce isn’t a process someone expects to go through when they first get married, but it happens.

World Populated Review data places the divorce rate in California among the lowest in the country at 9.0%. The divorce rate in Santa Rosa is notably higher, at 14.0%.

How many couples therapists are in Santa Rosa, CA?

Couples therapists are placed with marriage and family therapists in statistical charts. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics places just over 60,000 people employed nationally as marriage or marriage and family therapists. There are just over 32,000 employed in the state of California, which is the highest number in the nation. There are 590 such therapists in Santa Rosa, CA.

A number of sites have a list for “best relationship counseling near me” in order to aid those seeking help sift through the many couples therapists. A search of best couples therapists in the San Francisco area places Empathi founder, Fiachra Figs O’Sullivan in the top 10 list on Yelp and the top 5 list on GuideDoc. These services are available to couples in Santa Rosa as well.

empathi couples therapy

How many couples therapists are in Santa Rosa, CA?

Couples therapists are placed with marriage and family therapists in statistical charts. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics places just over 60,000 people employed nationally as marriage or marriage and family therapists. There are just over 32,000 employed in the state of California, which is the highest number in the nation. There are 590 such therapists in Santa Rosa, CA.

empathi couples therapy

A number of sites have a list for “best relationship counseling near me” in order to aid those seeking help sift through the many couples therapists. A search of best couples therapists in the San Francisco area places Empathi founder, Fiachra Figs O’Sullivan in the top 10 list on Yelp and the top 5 list on GuideDoc. These services are available to couples in Santa Rosa as well.

couples therapy

How do I choose a good couples therapist in Santa Rosa, CA?

An online search of couples counseling in Santa Rosa will turn up numerous results. Read all you can about the therapists and facilities that interest you. Find a therapist that specializes in relationship counseling. The more experience, the better.

couples therapy

How do I choose a good couples therapist in Santa Rosa, CA?

An online search of couples counseling in Santa Rosa will turn up numerous results. Read all you can about the therapists and facilities that interest you. Find a therapist that specializes in relationship counseling. The more experience, the better.

Here are some tips to help you choose the right therapist for you:

When you reach out to get counseling, try to speak to the therapist who will be helping you, so that you can get a good grasp of how they communicate. There are many excellent couples therapists out there, but you want to find the right one for you and your partner. It’s important that your therapist understands you and your issues and that they can effectively convey their message to you.

If a counselor’s values are similar to the principles you and your partner share, they’ll be much more effective guides to get you through your issues.

If possible, ask your potential therapist some questions before you decide whether they’re right for you. If you don’t get a good first impression, you’re not likely to get any real benefit from your sessions.

What questions should I ask before starting couples therapy in Santa Rosa, CA?

Most therapists offer initial consultations. When you first see them, give your potential therapists an interview. Have some questions prepared and base your decision on how they answer.

Your goal is to discover the qualifications of the therapist that you’ll be seeing and make sure they’re a good fit for you.

couples counseling

These questions will help you better determine whether a therapist will be the best option for you:

Stick with counseling once it starts. No matter how good a couples therapist is, you’ll get the best results if you complete their plan. When you follow the plan all the way through, you’re more likely to have favorable outcomes all around. Couples who make it all the way through therapy enjoy better emotional health, live longer, and report themselves as being happier than before they started therapy. 

Seeking out a quality couples therapist is the best first step in restoring vitality to your relationship. If you and your partner need guidance to help restore your relationship, now is the best time to take action. The sooner you act, the sooner quality couples therapy can help you. Come to us for quality therapy. 

Contact Empathi and take your relationship back.

Couples Therapy That Works In
Santa Rosa

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Take it from our clients via our direct Yelp page feed.


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"With Empathi, Figs has created a fun and creative way to help people feel more connected in their relationship and to become acquainted with the transformational power of Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy."

Dr. Sue Johnson

Creator of Emotionally Focused Therapy for Couples

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It's quick, easy, and
free to get started!

Between the emotional hurdle of accepting you need help and the logistical nightmare of finding a therapist you trust, actually starting couples therapy is the hardest part…

That’s why we keep it simple:

Don’t Waste Time Feeling Stuck

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