That Works

That Works

Healing at the source.

Man looks out the window, contemplating.

You get your problems. So why can't you break out of them?

Breathing exercises. Meditation. Communication techniques. Online courses. Talk therapy. Changing yourself. Changing others. Turning it off and turning it back on again. Whatever flavor of suffering you are experiencing, odds are you’ve tried one or more of these tactics in hopes of fixing your problems. 

And yet here you are, experiencing the same old story—still suffering and still looking for solutions. What gives?

Empathi uses Emotionally-Focused Therapy to resolve the deepest roots of disconnection and pain.

Our EFT-trained therapists can help you move beyond problem-solving, “right,” and “wrong,” so that you can be with the truth of what is—those scary, vulnerable parts. From there, EFT helps you to create a living, breathing moment wherein your emotional needs are met. And then we do it again. And again. Until you’ve formed a new story where you get to be lovable, safe, and secure.

And you get to carry that new story—a reliable pattern of connection and repair—far into the future.

*After a brief period of EFT guidance, clinical research has shown that 86% of those treated improve and 73% sustain those improvements after two years. Though this research was performed on couples, EFT is not limited to partners.

Empathi's Methods
are proven to help

Our talented counselors are each trained in the use of the Empathi Method, a proprietary blend of counseling techniques and practices—in particular, Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) for individuals and couples.

Using the Empathi Method, we'll train you to recognize the emotional significance of the cycles you are experiencing and how to break out of them so you can reliably return to a feeling of security and peace for years to come.

*After a brief period of EFT guidance, clinical research has shown that 86% of those treated improve and 73% sustain those improvements after two years. Though this research was performed on couples, EFT is not limited to partners.

The Best Emotionally-Focused Therapy | Empathi.com

Why EFT?

Our emotional experiences are fundamental to who we are as humans. They shape our identities, our relationships, and even our perceptions—from the way we hear the tone of a loved one’s voice to what we see with our eyes. Contrary to popular belief, cognition and emotion are not separate functions of the brain!

That is why, to “problem-solve” so effectively that it reduces a person’s suffering for a lifetime, we must go deeper.

Emotionally-focused therapy (EFT) provides a necessary roadmap from negative cycles, self-perception, and perception of others, to a healing emotional narrative built upon a fully integrated emotional understanding.

EFT is at the heart of the Empathi counseling method because it is the best guide there is to building a happier, healthier, more fulfilled you.

Why EFT?

Our emotional experiences are fundamental to who we are as humans. They shape our identities, our relationships, and even our perceptions—from the way we hear the tone of a loved one’s voice to what we see with our eyes. Contrary to popular belief, cognition and emotion are not separate functions of the brain!

That is why, to “problem-solve” so effectively that it reduces a person’s suffering for a lifetime, we must go deeper.

Emotionally-focused therapy (EFT) provides a necessary roadmap from negative cycles, self-perception, and perception of others, to a healing emotional narrative built upon a fully integrated emotional understanding.

EFT is at the heart of the Empathi counseling method because it is the best guide there is to building a happier, healthier, more fulfilled you.

marriage counseling that works

What is emotionally-focused couples therapy?

The EFT method is empirically-based, rooted in science, and successfully practiced for over four decades. It was created through the observation and analysis of couples in therapy sessions to discover which elements were leading to improvement in those relationships.

In EFT couples therapy, you, your partner, and your therapist work in collaboration to get each other at your cores, which then helps you communicate better and reinforce your shared bond. In seeing EFT through, you can help ensure your partnership will become even stronger than before.

You are the one best able to identify and interpret your own experience—an EFT counselor acts as a guide to help you access vulnerable emotions, accept them as they are, and infuse them into your shared story.

You will learn to recognize how your relationship cycles don’t meet your fundamental needs. From there, you, your partner, and your therapist are able to fill in the gaps in those needs experientially, finding and creating your missing emotional experiences.

At Empathi, we’ve constructed our techniques around EFT—along with a blend of other industry-recognized methods—to build an approach that we know works.

In EFT couples therapy, you, your partner, and your therapist work in collaboration to get each other at your cores, which then helps you communicate better and reinforce your shared bond. In seeing EFT through, you can help ensure your partnership will become even stronger than before.

You are the one best able to identify and interpret your own experience—an EFT counselor acts as a guide to help you access vulnerable emotions, accept them as they are, and infuse them into your shared story.

You will learn to recognize how your relationship cycles don’t meet your fundamental needs. From there, you, your partner, and your therapist are able to fill in the gaps in those needs experientially, finding and creating your missing emotional experiences.

At Empathi, we’ve constructed our techniques around EFT—along with a blend of other industry-recognized methods—to build an approach that we know works.

Can I receive EFT if I'm not in a relationship?

You can absolutely receive Emotionally-Focused Therapy if you aren’t in a relationship.

Emotionally-Focused Couples Therapy was the first iteration of EFT, born from the observation of couples in therapy and how they find their way to deep and meaningful change. But the science didn’t stop there.

EFIT—Emotionally-Focused Individual Therapy—is a fantastically effective method to assist individuals experiencing all kinds of suffering.

Here are some of Empathi's individual services:

Emotionally-Focused Therapy for anxiety and depression walks you through your experiences to help you integrate them into your thought patterns in constructive, healthy ways.

At Empathi, our counselors have helped numerous individuals lessen the suffering of their anxiety and depression, providing them with tools for moving forward with peace of mind.

Childhood trauma, abuse, and neglect often result in shame-based dysfunction. Toxic shame erodes self-worth and fills your head with unhealthy, unproductive, damaging thoughts. EFT gives you the tools to understand how your past experiences affect your thought processes. The Empahti method helps you to reframe those thoughts into recognizing and accepting that you are valuable and that shame doesn’t have to control your life.

Skilled EFT therapists can see you through the aftermath of loss and ease much of the heartache that follows in helping you process your new reality and the wounds around it.

At Empathi, we understand the pain of loss. Let us enable you to face your grief, suffer less, and experience joy again.

Ending a marriage is painful for everyone involved, especially when there are children to consider. Emotions come to the surface that we’d rather not experience, stirring up animosity, guilt, shame, and anger. It’s a situation nobody should go through alone.

EFIT enables you to understand your situation in a way that benefits you emotionally and psychologically. 

At Empathi, we have extensive experience with every kind of relationship, enabling us to provide you with the best possible guidance and emotional clarity.

Emotionally-focused counseling for life transitions helps you cope with the intense stress, uncertainty, and questions around identity due to dramatic changes or events in your life. Through counseling you learn resilience against future changes and become better-equipped to face the changes of today. 

Empathi is here to help you through your transition, so that you can face your new life with a fresh perspective and enthusiasm.

Empathi counselors are experienced in helping with these issues and many others. Reach out to us today to help you back on the path to enjoying your life.

couples therapy

Can an EFT therapist address my specific relationship problems?

You may feel as though you’re the only couple facing the kinds of issues you’re facing. The truth is, thousands of couples are experiencing the same kinds of struggles and more reach out for help every day.

Though Empathi helps couples who experience a variety of relationship obstacles, all issues come back to the same kinds of core wounding in everyone.

Here are the most common issues people come to us with:

Empathi employs the most effective, industry-recognized methods to help you overcome the emotional issues holding you back from living your best life.

When a couple shares a home, there is often contention over which person is responsible for which duties. However, if it’s rising to the point of conflict, it’s touching on something deeper than the actual tasks themselves, especially if a couple has children. 

Quality Emotionally-Focused Therapy can give you the healing that will help you to reach agreement on the household division of responsibility.

Married and unmarried couples alike can experience a slowdown in romance and physical connection for many reasons—less time, stress, changing preferences, relationship struggles. This is a common issue that can cause friction between partners. 

Good emotionally-focused couples counseling can help you and your partner feel like you’re on the same team when it comes to intimacy.

Unmarried couples sometimes find themselves in disagreement over the topic of marriage. This most often happens when one partner is ready to move forward with marriage and the other isn’t interested in marriage or doesn’t feel ready.

With the guidance of the right EFT therapist, you and your partner can come to a satisfying agreement on the topic of marriage.

If a couple lives together, conflicts sometimes arise regarding what belongs to whom. This is especially prevalent in times when a couple is also experiencing contention in other areas of their relationship. 

There are ways to come to agreement regarding material possessions, and we can help see you through these issues.

With the guidance of the right EFT therapist, you and your partner can come to a satisfying agreement on the topic of marriage.

Couples with children as well as couples without sometimes have conflicting principles when it comes to raising children. For couples with children, the contention may lie in how the other parent is performing parental tasks. For couples without children, the disagreement is more theoretical or preparatory, but it can have a tremendous impact on the future of the relationship if they can’t reach an agreement. With the importance we place on children, conflicting parenting philosophies can be especially divisive. 

With guidance, work, and trust, an experienced EFT counselor can help you and your partner work together as parents or future parents.

EFT is a wonderful resource for romantic or married couples in need of counseling. It will open your eyes up to each other in marvelous ways you’ve never experienced before. When you and your partner go forth, brandishing the tools that EFT offers, you’ll experience a renewed appreciation for each other and enjoy life more fully, together. 

How effective is EFT?

EFT is a well-established method for psychotherapy. It has proven to be quite effective in marriage and couples counseling, with a similar track record for family and divorce counseling.

With EFT for couples and marriage counseling, 86% of couples who’ve gone through treatment see real improvement right away. The tools and techniques that couples learn continue to benefit 73% of couples in the long term.

Emotionally-Focused Therapy has been shown to be effective for individual therapy as well, such as in treatments for anxiety and depressive disorders. 

Red-haired woman holding a marker, standing next to a white board, and smiling

Is starting EFT counseling difficult?

Clients often don’t know what to expect from therapy. Sometimes they don’t even know what they want to get out of it, they just know that their problems feel insurmountable and they need some kind of help figuring out how to navigate them.

As uncertain as you may feel around starting therapy, it’s designed to help you understand more and feel safer in the world.

Here's how we help you start:

Here are the ways we make it easy:

Women laughing together at a gathering—they're free, not anxious.

Empathi's Emotionally-Focused Therapy Can Help You…

Stop struggling. Book your call now.

Your EFT Questions, Answered

Opening up to a stranger about suffering isn’t easy. Why don’t we open up first?

Depending on your location, you can expect the cost of counseling to run between $100 and $250 per session. Counselors with extensive experience or multiple advanced degrees may charge more.

Our pricing ranges from $150 – $500. Schedule a free consult and we’ll find a therapist who matches your price range and needs.

There are no hard statistics on how many therapists practice EFT counseling in the United States, but there are over 300,00 licensed mental health professionals nationwide. This number includes substance abuse, behavioral disorder, and mental health counselors. Many of them employ EFT methods in their treatment.

Empathi employs dozens of qualified therapists—each of which uses Emotionally-Focused Therapy.

An internet search will give you results for therapists in your area who practice EFT-based counseling. The ones with high success rates tend to have glowing reviews—those comments from previous clients are a good yardstick to go by.

If you find a counselor in your search who seems like they may be a good match for you, prepare questions to ask and schedule a consultation.

Some questions to ask your potential EFT Therapist:

  • How were you trained in EFT?
  • What are your therapeutic credentials?
  • What kind of experience do you have with my specific issue?
  • What does successful treatment look like?
  • How long should I expect counseling to last?

Your first visit should give you a feel for the counselor you’re working with and their communication style. 

If you don’t click with them, that’s okay! Therapists are aware that they won’t be the right fit for every visitor, and many counseling centers (like ours) allow you to switch therapists.

People who follow their counseling plan all the way through see the best results, so it’s important to find a therapist you’re comfortable following-through with. It won’t always be easy, but it’s worth it.

Empathi counselors have the tools, training, skills, and empathy necessary to see you through any situation and help you set the course for your life that you want to see.

Contact Empathi today to begin your EFT counseling journey.

Begin the Empathi Process

Your expert counselor is here to guide you back to connection using Emotionally-Focused Therapy and the Empathi Method.


The hardest part is just getting started.

Healing starts with accepting you need help, booking a free consult, and showing up as you are. Everything that comes next will be easier as you’re held by an Empathi therapist and a proven process. From now on, you’re not alone in this.


Feel like you’re on the same team again.

Explore your process and discover a unified narrative where neither of you are wrong or right, “the good one,” or “the bad one.” Learn to approach suffering and conflicts as an “us” problem instead of a “them” problem or a “me” problem.


See the hurt and love behind their reactivity.

Strengthen your new narrative by accessing empathy to recognize the root of each other’s reactivity, how much you matter to each other, and what love is. Understand the cycles you get into with the help of your expert Empathi counselor.


Share the hurt and love behind your reactivity.

Get to know, live in, and share your vulnerable feelings. Then, learn to let in the ways that those feelings are understood and accepted by your partner through the power of the Empathi method and Emotionally-Focused Couples Therapy.


Feel deeply and securely bonded to one another.

Mend your relationship and your wounds through the understanding that you matter to each other. Learn to grieve, show up for, heal, and accept the most vulnerable parts inside of each other without sacrificing those parts in yourselves.


Rely on your bond to get out of stuck moments.

Having proved your ability to resolve long-standing issues, heated conflicts, and negative cycles, face your future together with a certainty that you will not only survive those moments, but grow stronger and more connected because of them.

We are passionate about healing.

Empathi’s compassionate team of individual counselors and couples therapists is here to do more than survive—we’re here to help you thrive.

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Why Yelp Chooses Empathi Emotionally-Focused Therapy

Emotionally-Focused Therapy (EFT) provides our team at Therapy With Figs with an understanding of the emotional bonds between partners so that we can identify and work toward moments that strengthen and harmonize that emotional connection.

We use attachment-based frameworks to understand the ways very early bonds inform our adult behavior and choice of partner, as well as the ways our relationship with our partners inform how we understand those early bonds today. Being in a committed partnership then becomes more than just an agreement between two lovers – it is a healing art, a restorative power in the lives of both individuals.

Seeking the safety and containment of professional psychotherapy is a monumental first step on the road to turning painful patterns into a productive partnership. Committed exploration and a willingness to be curious and vulnerable about what is motivating one’s own behavior, reactivity, patterns, and choices can bring about positive change for your relationship – whether it’s steering a particular issue, transitioning toward compromise, or simply bringing about a newly deepened sense of passion and commitment. 

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Sue Johnson, creator of emotionally-focused couples therapy

"With Empathi, Figs has created a fun and creative way to help people feel more connected in their relationship and to become acquainted with the transformational power of Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy."

Dr. Sue Johnson

Creator of Emotionally-Focused Therapy

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Between the emotional hurdle of accepting you need help and the logistical nightmare of finding a therapist you trust, actually starting therapy is the hardest part…

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