Figs O'Sullivan

Figs is the creator of the Empathi method and the certification process for Empathi coaches. He’s also Chief Empathi Officer, husband, dad, wounded-healer and was featured on NPR’s All Things Considered as a champion for healthy relationships. Figs’ life’s mission is to help couples feel more connected.

How to Fix a Codependent Relationship in 3 Steps (& 1 Big Truth Bomb…)

Whether you’re struggling with boundaries, trauma, or addiction, these 3 steps will show you how to fix your codependent relationship… Starting with the truth about that so-called “codependency.” Follow These 3 Steps To Fix Your Codependent Relationship: 1. Normalize What’s Happening (Attachment, not Dependence) Codependency, schmodependency. As a couples therapist, I never use the term

How to Fix a Codependent Relationship in 3 Steps (& 1 Big Truth Bomb…) Read More »

A man is laying down and smiling at his significant other, a woman who is over him happily smiling back at him, as if they've followed our top 10 unusual relationship tips.

Top 10 Unusual Tips for a Healthy Relationship

As a couples therapist who desperately needs a break from social media (like everyone else), I know finding actually good relationship tips online can be… Frustrating. You try to escape the same-y relationship advice from your friends, parents, or Instagram feed, only to search “healthy relationship” and find 20 ai-written articles recycling the same 5 ideas.

Top 10 Unusual Tips for a Healthy Relationship Read More »

How to Actually Fix a Relationship You Ruined: Expert Dos & Don’ts

The following list of dos and don’ts for how to fix a relationship you “ruined” isn’t theoretical. It’s the wisdom I use to help couples every day. As a couples therapist who has helped thousands of couples bring their relationship back from the brink, take it from me… There is hope for your relationship. Get

How to Actually Fix a Relationship You Ruined: Expert Dos & Don’ts Read More »

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