Figs O'Sullivan

Figs is the creator of the Empathi method and the certification process for Empathi coaches. He’s also Chief Empathi Officer, husband, dad, wounded-healer and was featured on NPR’s All Things Considered as a champion for healthy relationships. Figs’ life’s mission is to help couples feel more connected.

A couple sits together on the couch, focusing on different things and avoiding conflict.

Stop avoiding conflict!

Relationship Tip #5 Here’s another relationship truth for you. This one’s a doozy. Relationship Tip #5: Stop avoiding conflict! You’re not doing your relationship any favors by avoiding conflict. The parts of you both that need love the most can use a dose of magic. And the magic happens after conflict in the repair. Conflict is

Stop avoiding conflict! Read More »

A fire from a fireplace blocks the face of a woman, as the man sitting next to her stares into the fire.

Stop trying to shake off your uncomfortable feelings.

Relationship Tip #1 Here’s the first of my 10 relationship truths to help you love better. Relationship Tip #1: Stop trying to shake off your uncomfortable feelings. When you’re feeling sad … or lonely … or rejected … or powerless, stop employing whatever your strategy has always been to squash it and instead give some attention to the feeling

Stop trying to shake off your uncomfortable feelings. Read More »

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